Ozzy cancela todos os shows de 2019

Ozzy Osbourne adiou todos os compromissos profissionais para o restante deste ano de 2019 por motivo de saúde. Inclusive todas as turnês. A (má) notícia foi dada no Instagram oficial do icônico cantor: a causa foi um acidente doméstico em Los Angeles.

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OZZY will postpone all his 2019 tour dates, inclusive of shows in North America and Europe, as he recovers from an injury sustained while dealing with his recent bout of pneumonia. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and Grammy®-winning singer and songwriter and 2019 Grammy® Special Merit Award recipient fell at his Los Angeles home aggravating years-old injuries (from his 2003 ATV accident) that required surgery last month. OSBOURNE will remain under doctor’s care in Los Angeles as he recovers. Says OZZY: “I can’t believe I have to reschedule more tour dates. Words cannot express how frustrated, angry and depressed I am not to be able to tour right now. I’m grateful for the love and support I’m getting from my family, my band, friends and fans, it’s really what’s keeping me going. Just know that I am getting better every day…I will fully recover…I will finish my tour…I will be back!” The shows will be rescheduled beginning in February 2020 and concert-goers are being asked to hold onto their original tickets, as they will be honored for the rescheduled dates. Because some of the 2019 dates were festival appearances, not all will be rescheduled. Below are the new North American dates; the Los Angeles Hollywood Bowl show will be rescheduled in July 2020, exact date TBA. The 2020 UK and European dates will be announced in the coming weeks.

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“Eu não posso acreditar que tenho que remarcar mais datas de turnê. As palavras não podem expressar como estou frustrado, zangado e deprimido por não poder fazer turnê agora”, lamentou o Mr. Madman. “Eu sou grato pelo amor e apoio que estou recebendo da minha família, minha banda, amigos e fãs, é realmente o que está me mantendo. Só sei que estou melhorando a cada dia. Eu vou me recuperar completamente. Eu vou terminar minha turnê. Eu voltarei.”

Os shows serão reprogramados para o início de 2020. Como algumas das datas de 2019 foram aparições em festivais, nem todas serão remarcadas.

Recentemente, Ozzy já havia deixado os fãs preocupados por causa de uma forte pneumonia, que obrigou o cancelamento de alguns shows.